HungryMinds - The hub for women in the food business

The hub for women in the food business


Forgive us! Our website is still in the oven but in the meantime we hope this tickles your taste buds ...

HUNGRYMINDS is the first organisation to actively bring together women involved in all aspects of the food chain - farming, retailing, restaurants, artisan producers and everything in between.

It encourages women to explore other areas of the food business – stretching their knowledge, challenging how they work and enabling them to indulge their passion for all things foodie with women who share that excitement.

We have an exciting calendar of networking evenings planned for 2007. Each event provides members with the opportunity to meet face to face with other influential women in the food business, build up an invaluable contact list and benefit from the wisdom of our respected guest speakers.

Our networking events attract a number of high profile representatives involved in different aspects of the food world including those from Tesco, Somerfield, CCFRA, Elisabeth the Chef, Heinz, The Howard Arms (Ilmington), The Bay Tree Food Company, Innocent and Peach Pubs to name but a few.

To make sure you receive an invite to future events please don’t leave without leaving your name, company/profession, contact telephone number and email address* ... click STARVING to drop us a line

HUNGRYMINDS operates on a membership basis but we encourage people to try one event before subscribing. Our annual fee is £80.

Still HUNGRY? To find out more email, alternatively ring Sam Angell on 07815 889446 or Jo Broughton on 07775 584329

Hungry Hub
152 Lillington Rd
Leamington Spa
CV32 6LN

* Your details will not be passed to any other interested parties without your prior consent.

“very informative speakers in a relaxed, contemporary environment”

Sarah Bradbury
 Tesco Supermarkets

“.... inspiring to meet a group of women who are all as passionate about food as we are.”

Ailana Kamelmacher
Innocent Drinks

“like minded people from all disciplines , all sizes of organisations"

Ingrid Tranter
Campden & Chorleywood